Page 30 - June 2024
P. 30

Like we cannot step into the same water
                                                               of a river twice, every time we visit

                                                               nature it will be different.

                                                               Slowly, but surely, your awareness of
                                                               nature will grow more acute through
                                                               these visits to the park. Eventually even

                                                               venturing a little further outside the
                                                               town or city, to explore untamed nature.

                                                               Then again, perhaps you are already very
                                                               connected to nature and cannot relate in
                                                               any way to this section so far, living as

                                                               you do in the country or on the edge of
                                                               an area of wilderness.

                                                               Oh, you can help so many people!
        deadens our intuition. Creating an
        uninspired zombie-like worker-drone                    Invite your town or city family and friends

        level of existence.                                    to come over to stay with you as if possible.

                                                               Show them your reality. Take them outside
        If you are one of those people who doesn’t             and allow them to learn to appreciate the
        usually have the time for nature or perhaps  joy of nature through your eyes. Be their
        even finds the prospect of exploring                   guide and show them how beautiful nature

        wilderness areas scary, how about you take  is in all her manifestations.
        only half an hour a couple of times a week

        to visit your local public park?                       Exercise in nature is my first choice
                                                               every time. Walking, running or tai chi
        Simply sit and observe. Leave aside the                within a natural setting is far from taking

        headphones and no cheating yourself out  exercise – it is wonderfully inspirational.

        of the experience by talking or texting on  Most of my game-changing ideas popped
        your phone!                                            into my head way out in the wilderness
                                                               or in the middle of a deserted ancient
        Look at the trees, the grass and then                  Neolithic site. Rarely do I feel connected

        listen. Hear birdsong? Do the trees make  to nature enough to feel inspired in the

        a noise? Rustling poplars or creaking old  middle of a busy city…
        oaks. Breathe in the scents. Soak up the
        sights, sounds and smells, feel on every               As I lead a fairly public life, my way of
        level what it is like to be there.                     finding some battery re-charging time is

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