Page 32 - June 2024
P. 32
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Deceptively Delicious
With the summer season finally here, potassium, and vitamin A. However, the
you may be noticing some refreshing and unhealthy aspects come into play when
attractive treats being advertised. During the berry needs to be preserved and
hot days, smoothies, acai bowls and mixed with other ingredients to enhance
sorbet may be calling your name. These the taste and make it more appealing.
treats can easily be presented as healthy
alternatives. However, it is important to Açaí is often blended with ingredients
keep in mind the sneaky additives that such as gums, which can be gut-
can be found in classic summer treats. disruptors, in order to create a thick and
One very popular snack is a smoothie creamy consistency. This acai is then
bowl. The most well known is called an scooped into a bowl and can be topped
açaí bowl. The acai market skyrocketed with an array of ingredients. Granola is
when it was deemed as a superfood. a popular option. Chopped fruit is also
Entrepreneurs jumped on this trend often paired with the granola, along with
and created enticing beach themed a drizzle such as Nutella, peanut butter,
shops where acai and other alike fruit or honey. This sneaky sweet treat can be
bowls are sold. Açaí bowls are deemed a shockingly high in calories and added
healthy snack but unfortunately have a sugar. Depending on how much and
misleading health perception. what gets decorated on top of your acai
bowl, it can either be a simple treat or
An açaí berry is a small purple berry caloric and sugar nightmare.
found in Central and South America.
Some describe the taste as a chocolatey Another popular treat to beat the
blueberry or blackberry. Açaí berries summer heat is sorbet. A well-known
themselves can be good for you because alternative to those searching for a
of their high fiber and bits of calcium, healthier dessert than ice cream. Sorbet
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