Page 27 - June 2024
P. 27

intensity of your work-out once you start
                                                               to gain enough fitness to safely feel more

                                                               Small steps towards our goals are

                                                               preferable to none every single time!

                                                               NEVER NEED TO DIET

                                                               It seems every week a new miracle
                                                               diet hits the headlines, with the usual

                                                               promise of quick weight-loss by buying-
                                                               into their incredible new eating regime.

                                                               Give or take a kilo, I have weighed the
                                                               same for the past three decades. This is

                                                               not because I might not be inclined to
                                                               put weight on; it is all down to firstly
                                                               eating holistically with an eye to my

                                                               long-term wellbeing. And secondly, also
                                                               making sure my lifestyle includes plenty

                                                               of aerobic exercise for fitness and some
                                                               anaerobic exercise for muscle mass.

                                                               Rather than buying into yo-yo dieting,
                                                               completely tailored lifestyles for holistic

                                                               wellbeing gives us the best chance
                                                               possible of maintaining our perfect
                                                               weight long-term.

                                                               We are what we focus our attention

                                                               upon, what we think about and say
                                                               makes our reality. If we are spending
                                                               every day desperately obsessing on

                                                               the need to lose weight and frequently
                                                               glancing in the mirror underlines this,

                                                               for sure we need to quickly adjust our
                                                               mindset to experience the difference

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