Page 31 - June 2024
P. 31

taking myself off for an all-day solo coastal  About Dean Fraser
        walk or deep down into the forest. This is             I began my quest to learn more about

        especially effective in the heart of winter            human potential well over three decades
        when the harsh weather discourages many  ago. Taking a year out from my corporate

        others from venturing outside. It is for               life, I read hundreds of books, travelled to
        sure a challenge in this era in which we               visit ancient sacred sites and networked
        live to find ourselves some true seclusion.            with fellow seekers of wisdom from around

        I have to say though, a gale force wind                the world. I qualified in Body Language
        and driving rain usually means I am going  Psychology which acted as a springboard

        to enjoy having the beach pretty much                  to my life’s quest to help others discover the
        to myself and with the magical bonus of                reason they incarnated on this beautiful
        making me feel wonderfully alive, leaving              planet of ours at this time. I never returned

        me with a heart full of gratitude for nature           to the corporate world. Each year I write
        in all her extremes.                                   for thirty magazines across the world on

                                                               ways of living in harmony and wellbeing
        Take the time to take some time out for                with ourselves.
        you – there is always a way.


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