Page 26 - June 2024
P. 26
An Exercise in Wellness
As our body matures it is usual for it to As a result of this, they have kept a good
start losing muscle mass, to be replaced high percentage of their muscle mass
with fat or muscle wastage, resulting in throughout their life.
less physical strength and suppleness.
It does not have to be this way, not at all. Exercising is crucially important
for maintaining a healthy body and
The only reason for this loss of muscle strengthening our immune system’s
mass is due to a lack of aerobic and ability to fend off disease and decay.
anaerobic exercise - our brain then Investing in ourselves, eating healthily
receives the message that we are not and partaking of regular exercise, is
using muscles in the way we once did going to be more than worth the effort
and concludes we must no longer require later down our timeline when we can still
them. Kick-starting the transformational run up the stairs and experience life to
changes in our bodies commonly the full.
recognised to be signs of old age.
I spent my time in gyms back in the day
Yet there are many examples of lean and for sure they are an excellent starting
and mean octogenarians who are still place when venturing into getting fit for
superbly fit and leading the kind of perhaps the first time in years. Any good
active lives that would put many of their gym will have qualified instructors to
grandchildren to shame. advise you on taking those first steps.
It is vital to start gently at first. If you
What is the difference here, what can realistically know you are extremely
possibly be their miraculous secret? unfit, it is certainly prudent to consult a
health professional before beginning to
In virtually all these cases those make any changes.
individuals have always led active lives
and saw no reason to slow down or stop Regular gentle exercise is always
doing what they have always done simply preferable to doing nothing at all, and
because another birthday passed on by. you can always increase the length and