Page 21 - June 2024
P. 21

back, I was amazed when I scrutinized                  “Everything that is unconscious in us, we

        some photos taken of me and a man I                    discover it in our neighbor and treat him
        became obsessed with during a Pluto Venus  accordingly.”
        transit. These photos came out in RED                  — Carl Jung, Modern Man in Search of a

        shades and hues. The aura around us was                Soul, pg 142
        so strong that it changed the photo. This

        phenomena occurred using two different                 Sulphur as Projection
        cameras! When this relationship began, I               The Alchemists believed there are two
        obtained my first Astrological consultation.           kinds of Sulphur: a crude or vulgar

        The Astrologer described exactly what I                sulphur and a true or philosophical
        was going through and this transit lasted              sulphur. Only the true sulphur can help us

        five years. After that consultation, I became          enter the conuinctio — which is essentially
        obsessed with a desire to learn even more.             a lifetime goal to marry our inner or
        The planetary timing involved indicated a              invisible partners.

        process of self-actualization through a death
        and rebirth (Pluto) experience of an intense           Crude sulphur is ego driven desirousness

        love affair (Venus).                                   and is of an unconscious, infantile nature.
                                                               Our will demands to have what it wants

        How can we retrieve or get to know  and turns vicious when it can’t possess
        unconscious parts of us?                               the object of our desire. Feeling intensely

        One major way is through projection.                   driven and compulsive, we will want
        Projection is described as becoming either             to destroy the other person. The movie
        intensely fascinated or extremely repulsed             Titanic showed what this scenario looks

        by certain people. The affect is either too            like. The fiancé Cal wanted to kill Kate
        high or it’s too low. Jung says,                       Winslet (Rose Calvert) when she was
                                                               running away with Leonardo DiCaprio

        “Hence, unless we prefer to be made fools              who played Jack Dawson. As the plot
        of by our illusions, we shall, by carefully            unfolded, we learned that he wanted to

        analyzing every fascination, extract from              destroy both of them rather than suffer
        it a portion of our own personality, like a            the defeat of his intense ego driven desire.

        quintessence, and slowly come to recognize
        that we meet ourselves time and again in a             That is the crude sulphur which is an
        thousand disguises on the path of life.”               unregenerate desire. This desirousness

        — Carl G. Jung, The Practice of                        is driven by pride and the intent is
        Psychotherapy, par 354, pg 318                         on possessing an object. We become

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