Page 22 - June 2024
P. 22
possessed and can think of nothing else, to two of them. Listening to his words
day or night. It is in our mind the moment soothed me. They helped me analyze
we wake up and the obsession does not my experience. By morning, the fever
let up. Anyone who has ever experienced broke and I was at peace. I was able to
being deeply in love with someone who go on, determined to see what Craig
has rejected them knows what that feels represented to me and the meaning of
like. Sulphur in this way is the active our experience. I sent him love instead.
part of the psyche. The part which has a In retrospect, studying Alchemy/
definite goal. Astrology and Jungian psychology, it was
so interesting to understand the meaning
“The true or philosophical sulphur is of what those relationships were about
the regenerate desire. It changes you on and the transits involved. With Craig,
the inside. If you can say to yourself Yes, the outer planets Uranus and Neptune
I desire him or her and I will go for it were squaring my Venus. Again, there is a
and try to get it but I can walk away if I timing involved with our transformation
cannot have it. You are free of possession. and internal process. Uranus and Neptune
Of course, it is still hurtful but if you get are transpersonal energies which are
still and go inside, you will get quiet and involved in our assimilating higher states
change. Then you will discover there is a of consciousness.
stone growing in the bottle (they called
it the philosophers stone).” — Edward F. Even if your projections land on someone
Edinger, Mystery of the Conuinctio and you marry them, the euphoria is
limited in time because no one can
Has this happened to you? How carry our projections indefinitely. It can
many times has it happened? end with varying degrees of animosity
When this takes place repeatedly, and between the two people because it is
you reflect on the experience, you will inevitable that projections are going to
discover parts of you that were previously fall off. They must so that we can see who
unconscious. In my Shadow Dance & 7th the other person actually is and relate to a
House Workbook, I wrote about a man real person instead of a God or Goddess (a
named Craig. I remembered the extreme symbiotic extension of oneself).
hate that I felt emotionally when this
relationship ended. I literally burned up When a relationship reaches that stage of
one night with a fever. In the middle of familiarity, many people addicted to this
the night, I went to get the cassettes of kind of high start looking outside their
my first classes in analytical psychology primary marriage or partnership if their
with Pittman McGehee, D.D. and listened maturity level is still in the puella or puer