Page 23 - June 2024
P. 23
aeternus stage of consciousness. This is arrives for both people. Individuation
the archetype of Peter Pan, an adolescent continues when we open our eyes and
eternal child, who wants to be mirrored feel the aha with our bodies. We come to
instead of related to the people in their realize that in many ways this person is a
lives. Many relationships end at this mirror of our most unconscious self. We
stage and the alchemical process begins can now develop a mature relationship
all over again with someone else. Some with them as we take back our shadow.
go on to marry the person with whom
they feel they are in love, and become We can now see the good in them even
disillusioned when they realize that they as we also see their flaws and their
have married a person who is not who peccadilloes, their idiosyncrasies as Robin
they thought they were. Williams called it in the movie, Good Will
Hunting. We all have virtues and flaws as
On the other hand, if the two people none of us is free of + and - characteristics.
are committed to their relationship, (See my website for the + and - keywords for
growing and becoming conscious, after every sign of the Zodiac. There are usually
the projections wear off, an opportunity several signs dominate in our character.) 23