Page 12 - June 2024
P. 12

sand, is always possible.   With Gemini,
        flights to Never Never Land are only a

        thought away.  Unfortunately, ignoring the
        challenges of negative thinking patterns

        will not make them go away, but only
        intensify them when they inevitably
        emerge again.  Flights to Never Never Land

        are always round trip.  You have to come
        home again!

        Jupiter in Gemini tends to increase our
        experience/understanding of duality, which

        is the first stage of  the decision-making
        process that continues to evolve  through

        the Air signs of Libra and Aquarius.  Like
        Gemini’s symbol, The Twins in some form
        of diametric opposition, common to all

        mythologies, the need to integrate (find
        a balance between) opposing extremes is

        essential to the Human condition.  Our
        initial understanding of life, and our
        capacity to make sense of it, begins with

        a firm grasp of the nature of duality and
        the spectrum of experience (variables

        and degrees) it creates.  For example,
        light has no meaning except as it relates
        to darkness, good as it relates to evil.   As

        we are becoming increasingly aware in
        today’s society, there are a vast number of

        variables and degrees between these two
        extreme poles.  Recent cultural discussions/
        concepts like “gender fluidity” are making

        us more aware of, and sensitive to,  the
        nature of the feminine-masculine polarity,

        and the many variables along the spectrum
        between, in the human experience.
        Gemini’s “super power” is its ability to

        weigh and juggle these variables, and to
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