Page 17 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 17
We seek comfort in activities we
know and approach anything else
with trepidation. Some moments
remain etched in our collective
conscience, while others are more
individual oriented, the
embarrassment and jubilation
while trying something new for
the first time, the jumps of joy
and slumps of sorrow have several
crests and troughs in between.
The important thing, as one
particularly well known blue tang
with short term memory loss so
eloquently put, “Just keep There will be days where the way
swimming”. ahead is hazy, when the winds
have subsided and all momentum
is ground to a screeching halt.
Adrift, away from all we know, in
the middle of the vast ocean with
no land in sight or hope of rescue,
it requires the strongest of wills
to persevere and row ahead.
Where there is darkness, there
shall be light, the sources may
vary, but the brightness will not.
As the statement goes, “The
Rahul A.P. night is darkest just before the
Environmental Engineering
2022-24 dawn”. To all those who are
second guessing their thoughts
before proceeding to the
unknown, let this be a herald for
New Dawns.