Page 18 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 18

Priorities and Purposes

             The  only  word  that  comes  to  my              one’s  promise  to  themselves.  We
             mind when describing the current                  fall  prey  to  a  vicious  cycle  of
             generation        of     youngsters        is     inadequate  learning,  unhealthy
             ‘conflicted’.       The     struggle       to     relationships,                 negatively

             choose what’s best for us from the                influencing                  friendships,
             barrage        of      choices        every       overindulging         social     life   and
             minuscule        moment         ultimately        constant          insecurity          about
             causes  riptide  in  our  lives.  Even            ourselves on so many levels.
             that  is  somewhat  acceptable,  but
             what makes everything so chaotic
             is    sensing       the      distractions,
             evaluating  the  emotional  weight,
             and  ultimately  introspecting  past

             This constant disarray catches up                 This       crop        of      conflicted,
             with  us  one  day;  it  pats  on  our            opinionated,          and       distracted
             backs,  and  even  then,  we  are                 juveniles      possesses        a   deeply
             conflicted  about  the  right  way  to            ironic  logical  thinking  as  well.  A
             address  it.  Among  the  many                    lot of the youth would make fun of
             distractions,  we  fail  to  recognize            the  ‘rat-race’  environment  in
             our true purpose, which is always                 corporates, only to later complain

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