Page 19 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 19

about       the      competition         for
             securing a job in them. We would
             rather  joke  about  the  meaning
             and  practicality  of  exams  and
             qualification  tests  than  actually
             prepare  for  them  so  that  one  day
             we  can  be  in  a  position  to  bring
             about      effective      changes.       We

             would  rather  give  in  to  peer
             pressure and uninterestingly start
             buying  Dostoyevsky,  Kafka  and
             Nietzsche  than  read  something
                                                               In  a  bid  to  comprehend  the
             uplifting that helps us understand
             the learning process.                             world's  problems,  we  fail  to
                                                               understand  ourselves.  It  is  often
                                                               said  that  many individuals live  in
                                                               their  own  bubble  -  unaware  of

                                                               their    immediate         surroundings.
                                                               Social  activists  want  us  to  burst
                                                               the  bubble  and  soak  in  all  the
                                                               distractions,  but  I  would  say  it  is
                                                               not always too bad to stay in one.
                                                               It  is  high  time  we  start  to  shape
                                                               our purpose and prioritize people
                                                               and tasks in order to achieve that
                                                               because no one else is going to do
                                                               that for us.

             We are so obsessed with what our
             peers  think  of  us  that  we  would
             sacrifice our goals and happiness
             in  the  blink  of  an  eye.  We  try  to
             console ourselves by saying that it
             is  not  our  fault  and  the  world  is                            Abhijit Debnath
             not  meant  for  us,  but  it  always  is                              2020-24
             our fault in some way or the other,

             isn’t it?

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