Page 21 - Cogito, ergo sum
P. 21

When  Alonso  took  over  the                     He implemented a high-pressing
             managerial duties at Leverkusen                   system, which was very effective
             in October 2023, the club was in                  against teams that tried to make
             total  disarray.  Having  faced  a                use  of  the  flanks.  Youngsters
             string  of  disappointing  results,               like  Wirtz  and  Diaby  thrived
             the club was at the bottom of the                 under  this  system,  because  of
             table,  on  the  brink  of  being                 which       they      were       able     to
             relegated.        Amidst        all    this,      dominate near the box. Not only

             Alonso  saw  a  lot  of  potential  in            did  Xabi  Alonso  uplift  the  team
             the  club  as  well  as  its  emerging            with  his  tactics  and  strategy,  he
             young  players.  His  meticulous                  also fostered a culture of utmost
             planning  and  strategy  began  to                dedication  to  the  game,  and
             turn the tide.                                    instilled  a  winning  mentality  in
                                                               the squad, which was full of up-
             Alonso’s philosophy was heavily                   and-coming young talent.
             inspired  by  his  playing  days  at
             Real  Madrid  -  possession-based
             play-making,  with  a  focus  on
             quick      passing       and     intricate
             build-up        play.       The       three
             midfielders         of      this     team,
             Palacios, Andrich, and Demirbay
             became the core of this strategy,
             dictated        the       tempo,        and
             controlled  the  flow  of  the  game.
             Alonso  was  also  not  someone

             who  would  hold  back  on  the
                                                               This          season           was          a
                                                               demonstration            of      Alonso's
                                                               sublime         managerial           skills.
                                                               Leverkusen steamrolled through
                                                               the         league,          dismantling
                                                               opponents  with  their  attacking
                                                               style. Their unbeaten run defied
                                                               expectations, surpassing Bayern
                                                               Munich's decade-long record.

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