Page 273 - demo
P. 273

Side trip to Highclere Castle.

                                              11.2 mi 51.3520,-1.3397   Leave the A34, exiting s/p
                                              “Burghclere / Newhaven / B4640”

                                              Follow the brown and white signs to Highclere Castle.

        1.8 mi 51.3286,-1.3457   Follow the B4640. Turn r. s/p “Highclere Castle”

        0.8 mi 51.3260,-1.3612 Entrance to Highclere Castle”

         To continue to Winchester . . .

        Return to the B4640 and turn right on to White Hill, the B4640.

        0.9 mi 51.3475,-1.3388   Follow White Hill it until it merges with the A34.

        18.3 mi 51.0709, -1.2933 At the r/bout take the 4th exit on to Easton Lane, s/p “Winhall Trading

        Go through 1 roundabout following signs to “City Centre”.

        0.8 mi Continue on to Wales St.

        0.3 mi Bear r. on to Durngate Pl and cross a bridge over the River Itchen. Continue on to North

        Navigation checkpoint:  After crossing the bridge you should pass the Willow Tree hotel on your

        Take the next l. into Union St the B3330. It’s a hard left turn at a Give Way.  The City of
        Winchester Fire Station will be over to your r. at that turn.

        Continue on to Eastgate St the B3330.

        Navigation checkpoint:  El Sabio Bar and Restaurant and the bright blue house alongside it will
        be on your l.

        0.3 mi At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit. on to The Broadway.  The statue of King Alfred will be
        on your r. just after that turn and the stately Guildhall with its clock tower will be on your l.  The
        Tourist Information Centre is in that building.

        Best idea is to get a park near here.  Winchester Cathedral is behind the Guildhall building.

        51.0610, -1.3116 If you turn l. into Colebrook St and l. again around the Guildhall building there is
        a carpark close to the cathedral.


        For touring notes from Winchester to Salisbury, click here . . .
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