Page 66 - KGR 2020-21 Annual Report
P. 66



               Connectivity within and between landscapes and ecosystems is critical for the natural enhancement and maintenance
               of diversity within communities and ecosystems. Connectivity is broken down in a system by habitat fragmentation
               (due to development) and physical barriers (fences, roads and dam walls). Restoring connectivity by re-establishing
               critical landscape linkages will buffer the reserve against future shocks such as drought, extensive run-away fire and
               climate change. Full and partial barriers to movement exist along the eastern boundary of the reserve in terms of the
               security fence and along the western boundary with the Kruger National Park.

                     KPI 1 | LANDSCAPE FLOWS

                     Karingani remains active in their role (75% of the Private Sector) within the Greater Limpopo Conservancy
                     within the GLTFCA. No further advancements have been made towards the official removal of the international
                     boundary fence with Kruger National Park, however this plays little role in the restriction of movement of
                     wildlife across the larger landscape.

                                                                   26    White rhinos detected in Karingani
                                                                         over this reporting period

                                                              These are transient white rhino throughout the
                                                              landscape, their presence and absence is heavily
                                                              determined by varying rainfall and vegetation state at
                                                              different times of the year.  As reported there were no
                                                              losses recorded due to poaching this report period
                                                              and this reduced number from last period reflects
                                                              immigration and emigration movements across the

            Flap-necked Chameleon in Karingani

               Despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, momentum   connectivity with neighboring reserves and conservation
               has not been lost with the advancement of the GLTFCA   areas.  Plans to develop the Lora network within Karingani
               security and joint management plans currently in   will add to this landscape monitoring framework and
               development. Nearing completion, the GLC and    assist in identifying connectivity and movement flows of
               GLTFCA security plan will be the cornerstone foundation   multiple species. This is scheduled for 2022.
               of officially shifting the KNP fence East to incorporate
               the Mozambique conservation areas within the larger   White rhino continue to exercise movement across the
               landscape.                                      landscape between KNP and Karingani as reported
               Large herbivore and endangered species monitoring
               continues within Karingani towards understanding the

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