Page 56 - Trip to Ireland Final Flip Book
P. 56
M finds the keys and we thank our
rescuers profusely. I snap their
photo for the album and we go on
our way to Letterkenny.
We realize we’d
tried to do too
much in one
day but have no
choice but to
continue as all
our belongings are back in Ardra. We stop and pick up a young
couple just outside the park and take them to the main
highway. I can’t imagine ever picking up hitch hikers in the
U.S. but we’d seen them out at the Castle and found out that
they both live in the town with the “Tea Room from Hell”. She
goes to school in Dublin but is home for the summer. We saw
many hitch hikers everywhere – it’s a very acceptable mode of
transportation in Ireland.
We stop in Donegal and eat at the Abby Hotel and have huge
plates of food – two pork chops, broccoli, French fried onion
rings, potatoes (English fries). We continue on and finally get