Page 4 - NWF November Updates
P. 4

Welcome to the National Wildlife Federation!

       As a member of the National Wildlife Federation staff, you are part of a very dedicated team.
       Each of us, whatever our job, has a critical role to advance our conservation mission to keep
       wildlife in our future. None of us can do it alone.

       Along with our commitment to the mission, we must all share a commitment to one another,
       to work as a team and to help our colleagues succeed.  I am determined to promote
       collaboration and, at the same time, help each employee to grow as an individual, to develop
       new leadership and to make our work experience deeply rewarding and fun.

       Part of that commitment involves giving each of you the tools and the knowledge you need
       to succeed, and this handbook is a step in that direction.  It is designed to provide a guide to

       both the expectations and the opportunities associated with your employment.

       Please take the time to look through it.  I am sure you will find that it contains interesting and
       important information that will help to clarify existing policies, answer questions and, perhaps,
       offer new ideas for making your employment even more rewarding.  I hope you will consider

       it the valuable resource it is intended to be.  The handbook, however, is not intended to
       create any contractual obligations as to the National Wildlife Federation or the employee.

       Collin O’Mara

       President and Chief Executive Officer
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