Page 9 - NWF November Updates
P. 9

Mission Statement

        NWF's mission is to unite all Americans to ensure wildlife thrive in a rapidly changing world.
        Through education, inspiration, and assistance, these are the means through which the
        National Wildlife Federation works toward our goal of a healthy and sustainable world where
        people can live in harmony with wildlife and wild places.  Our role is to bring people together
        in support of this goal and to give them the knowledge, the tools and the help they need to

        build a better future.  While it's a big job, no organization is better qualified to make it
        The National Wildlife Federation was born in 1936 to use education and cooperation as a

        catalyst for uniting groups and their members -- from hunters and anglers to gardeners and
        outdoor photography buffs -- behind their common love of nature and for directing their
        shared enthusiasm to the cause of protecting it.

        Today we are the nation's largest member-supported conservation group with more than six
        million members and supporters and countless conservation victories.  But the key to that

        success remains the diversity of the many grass roots groups and individuals who come
        together under the National Wildlife Federation's "big tent" to safeguard the wildlife and wild
        places that are special to them.  We stay connected to these grass roots through our field
        offices and our network of independent state affiliate organizations across the country.
        Together they work with other like-minded individuals and groups to build and empower the

        conservation constituency needed to accomplish real change and bring people and
        communities into harmony with the natural world. Our affiliates are often themselves a
        collection of smaller local groups.  Their representatives elect our volunteer board of directors
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