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P. 3

baskervill Olf face 14pt

                                What would  happen without a bed? Then, just as I started to get really worried, out came my
                                special safety harness that only appears when it’s time to go out in the car. Suddenly everything

                                seemed much better, a car ride - but why my bed?  Time to worry about that later so I curled up
                                in the bed and dozed off; still not knowing what all the fuss was about and wondering what
                                the mysterious ‘hollyday’ was all about.

                                After a while there was a loud beeping and it was a warning light in the car to say the pressure was

                                low in one tyre, so we had to stop to pump it up.

                                After that bit of excitement I didn't open my eyes until we stopped at the
                                Donkey Sanctuary, at Sidmouth, where the hoomans had lunch. I

                                managed a quick snatch of some crumbs on the floor; don’t think they saw
                                that so only you and me know about this, OK. Not many donkeys about but I

                                could smell them; they could do with a bath more often.

                                So back into the car and off we went again. Just as we got over the border into Cornwall the sun
                                seemed to disappear and it got very misty. We eventually arrived at a farm and stopped outside
                                a cottage;  it was almost dark, twilight really. Then to my surprise they started taking everything

                                out of the car and took it into the cottage. So this was to be our temporary home for a few days.
                                I sniffed in all the corners - no crumbs, no spiders, all very clean and tidy.

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