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P. 7
baskervill Olf face 14pt
What there was in Mevagissy was lots of smells, and I mean L O T S of smells. All very fishy.
We walked past lots of fishing boats as we made our way alongside the harbour. The tide was out,
there were fishing pots and a fisherman came whizzing by in a
noisy (and smelly) funny little car carrying smelly boxes.
As you know, I am used to seeing
gulls about, but Cornish gulls are
quite another thing. For a start
they are bigger, nosier and more
scary than our local gulls, and they
seem to swoop about. I’m sure I
saw one trying to steal food out of
someone's hand. I kept very close
to the family as I thought that they
would come after me.
This is me keeping a good look-out
for the winged invaders.
As you can tell, it was smelly but interesting at the same time.