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P. 8

baskervill Olf face 14pt

                                The seagulls were everywhere and very, very noisy and, it would seem, a bit
                                naughty. The locals  even had to put up notices to warn us Grockles about

                                them. Vicious sounds very bad; so I hid under the table to keep safe when
                                                                     we stopped for coffee by the harbour.

                                                               Look carefully at the picture on the left - it says Coast Path. I know

                                                               that this goes all the way to Swanage and passes not far away from
                                                               where we live. I hurried past and pretended I didn’t see it. Grandad
                                                               sometime gets some crazy ideas and I thought that maybe, just maybe,

                                                               he might suggest we walk back to Swanage. Can’t quite be sure of what
                                                               is going on in his brain at times.

                                                               So, we went back to St Cleer to the cottage. The plan was to go to

                                                               Minions (nothing to do with little yellow men, but a village up on the
                                Moor). Out came the laptop to have a look at the menu at a nice dog friendly pub. Sounds good
                                so far - then it was discovered that the pub had burnt down two years ago. So we put Plan B into

                                action and drove into Liskeard and got a Dominoes Pizza; apparently it was very good and
                                smelled really tasty.

                                I was really too tired, and wet, to worry, so had my dinner and curled up and went to sleep.

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