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P. 6
Plant a
Dear Friends,
In December, Mary Thomas, Synod Support and Development
Officer, came to talk to us about Evangelism. It is a delicate subject
these days, with so many professing to be atheists. How can they
be so sure? I can understand agnosticism, as most of us have
doubts at some stage in our lives. However as Christians we are
called to do more than preach to the converted. St Francis, it is
claimed, said 'preach the gospel, if necessary use words'. This was
very much the argument that Mary Thomas used.
Most of us belong, however casually, to groups outside the church.
If still working or volunteering, we have work colleagues; we may
belong to a club, or see people who don't attend church in other
circumstances. I meet quite a lot of people when I am dog walking
and most know I go to church. They sometimes have questions
about church activities and occasionally have asked to be
remembered in prayers.
Whenever we talk about our faith, or perhaps better, show it in our
lives, we plant a seed. Some will never come to fruition but others
may lead eventually to someone finding faith. We may not be
welcoming someone to our church ultimately, but that person may
find a place in another church or denomination. So happy planting!
Every blessing