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Ageing: Blessing or Burden?

        The very next Any Questions? Swanage is on the highly pressing
        topic of Ageing, and the church's response to this ever-increasing
              demand on our culture, our resources, and our hearts.

                 Join us on Tuesday, 7th February at the beautiful
             Methodist Church in Swanage (High Street) to hear the
                            Principal of Sarum College -
                  The Revd Canon Professor James Woodward
                     speak truth into an issue we will all face:
                          Ageing: Blessing or Burden?

                  We'll gather from 6.30 pm and the presentation
                               will begin at 7.00 pm.

          If you'd like to prepare some questions to ask James, you can
         email Lex in advance: and he promises
          he’ll capture the answers even if you cannot attend physically.

                                Everyone welcome

              Swanage Area Churches Lent Course

             The booklet is "Life Attitudes" by Robert Warren and
          Sue Mayfield. This is based on ‘The  Beatitudes’ and was
               approved by the last meeting of Church leaders.
         A limited number will be available for about £6 each today
           and there will be a sheet to sign if they run out and you
                             would like to order one.

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