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Stewards’ and Elders’ Rota for February 2023
Date Stewards Vestry Welcome Communion Communion
Prayer Elder Prep Servers
5th Feb Joint Service at the Methodist Church
12th Feb Gill / TBA TBC N/A
19th Feb Lyn / Nora Nora
26th Feb Geoff/ Ann N/A Chis Eddie /
Jennifer Yeates Chris
Pastoral Friends List
The list was updated and confirmed in November 2022.
If you can’t remember who your Pastoral Friend is, please check
with Ann Yeates, or Ann Farrer, who will be able to remind you.
Coffee Rota If you are unable February
February to fulfil your Birthdays
12 duty. Please 6 Davina Freedman
arrange a th
12 Lyn & Madge substitute and 15 Juliette Gadd
advise your 20 Graham Hamilton
19 Eliza & Co Team Leader. 20 Lynn Neads
26 Donna & Co
20 Chris Pullen
The Lent course begins week of
Monday 27th February and ends
Tuesday 28th March.
Nick Viney will lead on Mondays at 10.30 in All Saints and
Dave Richards at St Marks on Tuesday afternoons.
Lex and Paul are planning a zoom session.
There will be five sessions on the book
‘Life Attitudes’ by Robert Warren and Sue Mayfield.