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Church Family Diary ~ February 2023

       Wed 1st         6.30 pm   Home Group
       Friday 3rd      9.30 am   Coffee@112
       Saturday 4th  11 am       Warm Space
       Sunday 5th      10.30 am  Morning Worship at the Methodist Church
       Monday 6th      2.45 pm   ‘Come and Sing’
       Tuesday 7th     1.30-3.30  CU Chooseday
       Friday 10th     9.30 am   Coffee@112
       Saturday 11th  11 am      Warm Space
       Sunday 12th     10.30 am  Morning Worship ~ Worship Prep. Group
       Tuesday 14th  2 pm        Bible Study
       Wed. 15th       6.30 pm   Home Group
       Friday 17th     9.30 am   Coffee@112
       Saturday 18th  11 am      Warm Space
       Sunday 19th     10.30 am  Morning Worship ~ Captain David Scott
       Monday 20th   2.45 pm     ‘Come and Sing’
       Tuesday 21st   1.30-3.30  CU Chooseday
                       7.30 pm   Meeting of Elders (subject to change)
       Wed. 22nd       2 pm      Soup and Cinema
       Friday 24th     9.30 am   Coffee@112
       Saturday 25th  TBA        Church Away Day, led by Mary Thomas
       Sunday 26th   10.30 am  Morning Worship including Holy Communion
                                 Reverend Martyn Neads ~ followed by
                                 Church Annual General Meeting
               Communion Preparation: Chris ~ servers Eddie and Chris
                 Church Family Lunch will be served after the meeting
       Tuesday 28th   2 pm       Bible Study

       Saturday      Ukuleles meet each week for rehearsals

       If you should wish to come along to a Home Group please let Martyn or
       Lex know beforehand.

       Friday 3rd      10.30 am  World Day of Prayer, Emmanuel Baptist

       April 6th       Maundy Thursday David Nunn's play at St Georges
                       Langton time TBC
       7th April       Good Friday Distribution of hot cross buns. David Nunn's
                       play at the Methodist Church at noon.
       Easter Day      Sunrise Service, main beach

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