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A word about Warm Space

                                     By the time you read this Warm Spaces
                                     will be well on their way, or maybe
                                     finished, but we thought it might be
                                     helpful to say a bit more about the
                                     concept of ‘Warm Space’ (now called
       ‘WarmWelcomes’) with which we as a church are involved. As you
       know this is a Swanage Churches Together/town scheme and a
       few of us have been involved in discussions since the autumn. It is
       actually a country wide response to rising food and fuel costs, as
       many of you will be well aware, but the spin-off is meeting with

       Initially it was proposed that our church would be the main host with
       other churches helping to fund the project. Following discussions, it
       became clear that each church (and other groups) were already
       offering outreach as we do. Most days appeared to be covered.
       Many of these ongoing projects are now extending their hours and
       offering soup etc.

       Paul completed a matrix of what was on offer, as part of
       advertising, and Saturday was the only day not covered. Saturday
       is also a day that people living on their own can sometimes find
       difficult. As a result, we have booked the church hall for Saturday
       afternoons in January/February 2-4 p.m. as a trial and will review
       as January proceeds. We are showing a film, offering a quiet snug
       space and refreshments.

       The Warm Welcomes project has been widely advertised via
       posters, social media, Facebook, Churches Together website, our
       own notice board and Mailchimp. It didn't make the December/
       January Link as the details had not been fully worked out. We can
       report that we had a successful and relaxing afternoon on Saturday
       7  January and are planning for each week in January at least.
       We are seeking funding from the Community Action Network to
       cover heating and refreshment costs and loss of revenue -
       everyone is welcome!

       Davina and Donalda (on behalf of the Warm Welcomes Team)

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