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Fund Raising
We had three wonderful evenings by candle light at the beginning
of Advent with a joyous celebration of Christmas coming.
We listened to the Purbeck Youth Choir who, though small in
number, sang beautifully for us, Mount Scar’s entertaining action
songs, our Handbell Team and Ukulele Strummers. The Church
thronged with people who enjoyed Coffee and Mince Pies and the
various stalls around. So many members helped in so many ways
before, during and after the event, which came together in a very
short space of time; thank you all.
Two quieter nights followed but singing Carols together around the
piano in candle-light with Tim was a highlight each evening.
The three evenings also raised over £500. Provisional date for
March Activity is 11 . Watch this space!
If you have an item for a
CHURCH Church Meeting, to be included on the
MEETINGS Agenda, please let Ann Farrer know
in plenty of time.
The February edition of the Daily Reading leaflets that we are producing to
both encourage and guide people in reading the Bible is now available. As
Martyn has said previously, the aim of these leaflets is to be of help and not
a hindrance.
Please do not take these leaflets as a directive that must be followed.
Reading the Bible should be a pleasure and not a chore, so if these leaflets
become a burden to you in any way, please feel free to dispense with them
and approach the Bible in whatever way suits you best.