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P. 8
Minutes from the Mission Enabler
“No margin, no mission.” This was the catchphrase of Sister Irene Kraus,
responsible for a phenomenal level of provision of free healthcare for the
poor and needy. Strong, efficient fiscal potency empowers effective
mission delivery.
As we think about a possible third year, we recognise that with no mar-
gin, there will be no mission enabler. Which is why several of the
congregation are looking into funding options.
In the meantime there is a mission to deliver which I have increased from
seven to eight headings:
Bible Study (in the Constitution under the same heading as ‘Prayer’)
Pastoral Care
Quoting from the Constitution’s conclusion:
“As a Church we will only know spiritual growth and advancement if our
church life is underpinned by prayer. We therefore commit ourselves to
pray continually for the things detailed in this statement, entrusting them
to God, and seeking His leading in all aspects of our life. We further
undertake to review and re-evaluate this statement annually.”
Whilst it is time to re-evaluate our Vision and Mission and the whole
Constitution, the eight headings will stand firm as core themes that define
our church.
1 Worship
The need Skinner Street and Wareham may have in future to provide
accompaniment without musicians has been a topic of research for some
months. For our first service of the year, with the Methodists and
Salvationists, we employed only backing tracks – and they worked very
well indeed. This means we have a path to provide more freedom and
flexibility for our musicians, and more scope for arrangement and