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       We’re looking forward to Saturday 8  for our Quiz Evening with
       Martin B. from 6 pm. There will be an American themed Raffle and

       Do make an effort to come and bring friends for a fun social event.
       £6.00 on the door and an idea of extra numbers is always helpful!
       (A lift can always be arranged too.)

                              Wednesday JULY 26
                    is the first of our four, weekly Wednesday’s
                    Garden Gatherings at 27 Redcliffe Road

        Delicious Cream Teas served as usual and open to all from 2.30
                             so bring your neighbours!

        If you have spare produce/plants we could sell please bring them
                                 for Shirley’s Table.

            These Fridays are proving really happy occasions and an
                   opportunity for outreach into our community.
             We now include a monthly Cake Stall, as well as Books,
                              Bric-a-Brac and Jigsaws.

            Each week we need three people in the kitchen, and three
            ‘Table Hosts’. If you could offer your services occasionally
                 on a Friday from 9 - 12.15 please speak to Ruth.
                               Don’t wait to be asked!

                         Elizabeth (pp the Fund Raisers)

                                 Copy Date
                    for  SEPTEMBER Newsletter is
                            15th AUGUST

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