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Collectively we can multiply the impact of such well-stewarded
ministries with an assurance that our contribution continues to
make a difference.
Thank you all for your support in the past, in the present, and
where we go from here is up to us!
Blythswood Shoeboxes
for July and August
The items we are concentrating on over the
next two months are
Toothbrushes, toothpaste
Socks, pants – for adults and children
Shampoo – 250 ml maximum
Soap, flannels, sponges
any other things are also welcome at all times.
Dear Friends, the total raised during
Christian Aid Week this year is as follows:
Church collections: £1,485.30
Delivery-only house-to-house collections: £ 561.72
Market Stall: £ 156.50
Sponsored walk: £ 559.00
TOTAL £2,762.52
Potential gift aid to be claimed on the donation amounts to £383.35
Therefore, contribution from the Swanage churches and
community totals £3,145.87
Thank you to everyone who has supported Christian Aid
raising funds for the farmers in Malawi, to help them produce crops
which is enabling them to survive.