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                               Ways of Worshipping

       Dear Friends,

       What is your favourite hymn? Mine is probably 'Be still for the
       presence of the Lord, the holy one is here'. I expect you know it,
       although it is not in 'Rejoice and Sing' but is included in the BBC
       'Songs of Praise' hymn book. It is a hymn which encourages us to
       take time, be quiet and be in awe of our God who is holy, whose
       glory shines around us and whose power moves around us.

       You might prefer a more lively hymn like 'We will go out with joy'
       with its dancing upbeat rhythm.   Or perhaps a reassuring hymn like
       'Great is Thy faithfulness', or one like 'Just as I am', which speaks
       to the human condition of sinfulness but responds to Jesus' call to
       come to Him.

                                     There are hymns for every taste, mood
                                     and personality, as there are styles of
                                     worship for every personality. Brought
                                     up an Anglican, I was very familiar with
                                     the 1662 Prayer Book, but was drawn
                                     to the informality and diversity of  URC
                                     worship. We are blessed that in the
                                     URC we have so many different voices
       leading our worship. That is not to say that we will not miss our
       Minister's leading worship when he goes, for we will.

       Evangelical worship with its modern music settings and spontaneity
       appeals to many people. When I watch an Evangelical service on
       TV, I can't help feeling impressed by the congregation's
       enthusiasm, but I personally feel more comfortable with a more
       traditional style of worship.

       All roads lead to the Lord it is true, but we have to be careful not to
       get so stuck in our ways that we don't want to try something

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