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P. 4

Dear Friends,

                                                   Because the summer
                                                   issue of The Link and
                                                   Outlook is always a
                                                   bumper issue, I find
                                                   myself writing my final
                                                   pastoral letter in mid-
                                                   June, which does feel a
                                                   little premature to say the
                                                   least. But the  reality is
                                                   that this heralds the
                                                   beginning of a period of
                                                     transition for all of us.

       We have reached the point where my ministry in this place has
       come to an end. I and my family are moving to pastures new where
       we will face new challenges and get to know new people, and you
       will continue to meet the challenge of serving God in your particular
       context, while also looking to the future and what that will bring.

       The writer of the book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that,

           For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter
                                   under heaven:
                  God has made everything suitable for its time.
                                      [Ecc. 3:1 & 11]

       The season for my ministry in Swanage, Wareham, and Skinner
       Street has come to end, but that does not mean that God’s call on
       my life has come to an end; and neither does it mean that God’s
       call on the life of any of the three churches has come to an end.

       God still has work for us all to do. Some of it will be new work, and
       some of it will clearly build on what has gone before. What is
       important is that we all continue to listen for God’s call and seek to
       respond to it as best as we can, trusting that he will guide us and
       equip us for the work that we are called to.

       The following hymn, written by Timothy Dudley-Smith, reminds us

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