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Thank You and Farewell
The time has come for us to say farewell to our Manse family.
Martyn, Lynn, Alex, Graham and Madge - we thank you for your
friendship and ministry over the last few years.
A ministry, here in Swanage, that has seen some big changes. The
pandemic arrived not too long after you came and when all patterns
of ministry were turned on its head. However, with your guidance,
helped by Zoom, we continued as a church family, worshipping to-
gether and keeping our bonds of fellowship strong. The specially
formed Market Place, which is still going strong, is a testament to
that get-up-and-go attitude, as is the Zoom Prayer Meeting.
During this time the interior of the church was transformed. We now
have a multifunctional worship space.
You leave us with our best wishes and blessings for your future
ministry and opportunities, and we wish Alex every blessing as he
settles into his new school.
Thank you for your friendship and your sense of humour.
Jim and Ann
From Donalda and Robin
We stayed in Brecon last month over
the Coronation weekend . We
noticed this imposing building a few
times from our walks and from the
main road into the town.
The building belonged to the
Independents, and was built to
preserve the memory of the 2,000 clergy ejected from the Church
of England in 1662! In 1839, it became the Congregational
Memorial College for graduating ministers and missionaries.
The last principal left in 1959, the college was then closed and has
since been converted into apartments, now named Camden Court.