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Home Groups

       Home Groups offer you a unique
       opportunity to discuss what is important
       to you, to share what is  happening in
       your life, and to  really get to know and
       trust others at a far deeper level than is
       possible in a church service.

       We currently meet once a fortnight, on a Wednesday starting at
       6.30 pm. Meeting in homes, of course we need to manage the
       numbers in each group, so if you are interested in taking your
       fellowship to the next level, have a chat with Martyn or Lex.

       You will be very welcome.

                                                Swanage URC Family
                                              like most families we like to
                                                  celebrate our friends
                                                 birthdays and these are
                                                included in our monthly

                                              If you are not already on the
                                              list then please let us know
                                                if you wish to be added.

                                                Just let us know the day
                                                        and month.

                                               Please let us know of any
                                                changes of address and
                                                     phone numbers.

                                              We take seriously the protection
                                               of any information that we hold,
                                                 and are registered with the
                                                        Office of the
                                                 Information Commissioner.

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