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The November edition of the Daily Reading leaflets that we are producing to both
encourage and guide people in reading the Bible is now available. As Martyn said
previously, the aim of these leaflets is to be of help and not a hindrance.
Please do not take these leaflets as a directive that must be followed. Reading the Bible
should be a pleasure and not a chore, so if these leaflets become a burden to you in any
way, please feel free to dispense with them and approach the Bible in whatever way suits
you best.
It has been a privilege, as well as a source of real enjoyment,
to have been the organist at Wareham URC for nearly ten
years now. Unfortunately, my eyesight has now deteriorated
to such an extent that I am finding it difficult to read the music.
Consequently, I feel the need to step down and for someone
else take over.
Wareham URC has a small pipe organ which is serviced
annually and also a large electronic keyboard. Both these
instruments are of high quality and a real pleasure to play.
The congregation, although small, sing with verve and enjoy
a wide variety of hymns / worship songs.
If you, or someone you know, would like more information or
would like to come and see the instruments, please give me a
ring. Alternatively contact one of our Church Elders.
Sheila Holmes 01929 552806
A warm space in Wareham this winter
We know that this will be a difficult winter for many, as food and energy
prices rise in this worsening cost of living crisis. But we have an
opportunity to help, by providing a warm space in Wareham this winter.
We want to work together as Wareham's Church Family to enable Not
Just Sundaes Community Cafe (NJS) to be open as a warm space on cold
winter afternoons. In order to do this, we need volunteers from our
churches to give a bit of time each week during the winter to be based at
NJS. Could you help by giving an hour, or a couple of hours, per week
during the winter? Please get in touch if you'd like to help, or to find out
more. Thank you.