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       Ruth’s Murder Mystery was a great success and raised £417.60.
       Thank you especially to Ruth for all her hard work and to her
       production team.

       Martyn has agreed to do a Quiz for us later in November. (Date to
       be confirmed) Don’t worry if you aren’t part of a team as we can
       make those as we meet. (Martyn’s Quizzes are do-able and always

       Tickets will be £5.00 to include a Ploughman’s Supper. This will be
       our last Fund Raiser of the Year so let’s encourage a good turn-out.

       Gill is coming to the end of her supply of Raffle prizes so suitable
       offerings are always welcome. They can be given to Gill or left,
       labelled as such, in the passage by the kitchen.

       Blythswood Shoeboxes

       Thanks to everyone who has donated items for the Shoeboxes this
       year, and thanks to all who have helped in some way with the
       preparation and packing of the boxes.

       They will be collected by Blythswood, and distributed with many
       other boxes from many other places.

       We know they will give pleasure at Christmas to those who would
       otherwise have nothing.

                                                          Thank you all.

                                                                         Ann F

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