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       One of the most important aspects of fellowship is maintaining
       contact through your network of friends at church.  Staying
       connected can sometimes be a challenge when circumstances
       change or life gets too complicated.  This is one reason why we are
       revisiting the Pastoral Friends network at church.  Chris Pullen has
       done an excellent job at making sure we all kept in contact over
       one of the most difficult periods in history, and now it is the turn of
       Ann Yeates to take the lead for the next season.

       We are still deciding what it means to be a ‘Pastoral Friend’ but we
       are certain it is about making sure we all journey well together –
       leaving nobody out.  To define the role, we’re having a meeting on
       4  November at 1.45 pm for all the original Pastoral Friends who
       can make it.  There will be an informal discussion – where your
       ideas and thoughts will be most welcome.  We will also have an
       important update on safeguarding.

       Looking forward to seeing you there.                          Ann (Y)


       Subject to the agreement of Church Meeting, we may have five or
       more new members to welcome into our church fellowship
       soon.  New members have to be approved first, of course, and to
       have been baptised!  Baptism can also be arranged!

                                              If you’d like to discover the
                                              many benefits of membership,
                                              or if you’re ready to come
                                              forward to join, have a chat
                                              with Martyn, Lex, or one of the
                                              Elders as soon as possible.
                                              We’ll make it as straight-
                                              forward as possible for you to
                                              take the next step with
                                              Swanage URC.

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