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We are Stardust

       Dear Friends,

       It's October and I've just bought my first
       Christmas present! It's a book for children by that
       wonderfully enthusiastic scientist and
       broadcaster Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock called
       'Am I Stardust?’ I bought it for a grandchild but,
       as I am not a scientist myself, I thought it would
       answer some of my questions.

       Staring at the night sky with its thousands of
       twinkly stars (I'm told they don't twinkle, it only
       looks like it), I have often wondered at the
       connection between myself and something so far
       away. The universe can make you feel very
       small and insignificant sometimes.

       When a star blows up, after burning for maybe
       billions of years, then the carbon. nitrogen,
       oxygen and all its other elements are blasted into
       space as stardust. Eventually gravity draws this
       stardust together to form planets, like the Earth.
       All living things, including animals, birds, fish,
       grass, trees, flowers, including ourselves, are
       made of this stardust.

       The Psalmist says: When I consider your
       heavens, the work of your fingers. What are
       human beings that you care for them? (Psalm 8).

       I don't know about you, but being connected to
       God's universe makes me feel very special. God
       has pieced us together from the vastness of
       Space, We are intimately connected to it,
       connected with God the great Artist and
       Creator. Amazingly, through Jesus, we have
       learnt to call this Supreme Creator 'Father' –
       what a privilege!

       Every blessing                          Janet

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