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Sunday Services, Coffee@112, and Home Groups to the
       rescue.  Here, I can talk to my family face-to-face and sort stuff

       efficiently.  This eases the burden of communication.

       Then there’s the, “I Spy Guide to Helping One Another.”  Whether
       it’s helping Anne and John carry the Fairtrade resources, or setting
       up tables, or clearing the garden – there’s an endless stream of
       opportunities where many hands make light work.

       Let’s do our utmost to share the load and to bear one another’s
                                                                  Lex McKee


       School holidays offer us a
       great opportunity to
       provide fun art activities for
       all ages.  As such, we’re
       getting into a rhythm now of hosting creative art on Thursdays from
       10 am - 12 noon during each school break.  We hasten to add that
       this is for all ages!

       Autumn provided a rich harvest of ideas for art, and now Christmas
       is coming.  Keep Thursdays during the holidays free to come and
       make great art together!

       Chat to Lynn or Lex to find out more.

                                    Any Questions ?

                                        Do come and hear
                                   Professor Ian Kimber, OBE
                            ‘Ending Ammal Experimentation -
                                       a Realistic Goal?’
                                     Tuesday 22  November
                              Swanage United Reformed Church
                                      Doors open at 6.30 pm
                                  and presentation from 7 pm

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