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comes back to find Jesus and thank him for what he has done.

       Which of   these men are we most like? Is our natural tendency to be
       like the nine and just carry on with our lives, or are we like the one
       who was willing to take a moment out of his life to come before
       Jesus and offer him true, heartfelt thanksgiving for what he had
       done in his life?

       May each one of us seek to tune our minds, our hearts, and our
       lives to notice, recognise, and acknowledge what people do for us
       each and every day. May we be willing to offer heartfelt thanks for
       all things done for us, no matter how small; in all circumstances.
       And may praise and thanksgiving to God be ever on our lips.

       In His name,

                              DAILY READINGS
       The October edition of the Daily Reading leaflets, that we are producing to both
       encourage and guide people in reading the Bible, is now available. As Martyn
       said previously, the aim of these leaflets is to be of help and not a hindrance.

       Please do not take these leaflets as a directive that must be followed. Reading
       the Bible should be a pleasure and not a chore, so if these leaflets become a
       burden to you in any way, please feel free to dispense with them and approach
       the Bible in whatever way suits you best.

                                     Any Questions!

                                      Tuesday 22  November

                                   Professor Ian Kimber, O.B.E.

                        “Ending animal experimentation – a realistic goal?”

                                United Reformed Church, Swanage
                                      Doors open at 6.30 pm
                                   and presentation from 7 pm

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