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Swanage Church Family Diary ~ MARCH

        Friday     1st  9.30 am  Coffee@112
                         11 am      World Day of Prayer, St Mark’s Church
                         2 pm       ‘Open the Book’
        Saturday   2nd  6 pm        Beetle Drive and Bingo. see page 19
        Sunday   3rd   10.30 am  Morning Worship, joint service at
                                    Swanage Methodist Church with the
                                    Salvation Army
                         7 pm       Heaven@Seven led by Emily
        Monday   4th  2.45 pm  ‘Come and Sing’
        Friday     8th  9.30 am  Coffee@112
                         2 pm       ‘Open the Book’
        Sunday   10th 10.30 am  Morning Worship, Mothering Service
                                    Reverend Graham Holliday
        Friday     15th 9.30 am  Coffee@112
                         12 noon  Christian Aid Lent Lunch (URC)
        Sunday   17th  10.30 am  Morning Worship,
                                    Reverend Dave Harkison with
                                    Holy Communion
        Monday   18th 2.45 pm  ‘Come and Sing’
        Friday     22nd 9.30 am  Coffee@112
                         2 pm       ‘Open the Book’
        Sunday   24th 10.30 am  Palm Sunday, Margaret Leivesley
        Thursday 28th               Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service
        Friday     29th 9.30 am  Coffee@112
        Good Friday                 To Be Confirmed
        Sunday 31st      6.30 am  Sunrise Service on the Beach
        Sunday   31st  10.30 am  Easter Sunday with Holy Communion
                                    led by John Vatcher

        Saturday 20th  6.15 pm  50s / 60s Music Quiz. See page 20

       The AED Life-saving device situated on the wall out-
       side the Church has recently proved its worth. It is
       always available in an emergency.
       An evening is being arranged in the next few weeks
       so that as many people as possible can become
       familiar with how it works. More information soon.

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