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       We had a lot of fun at our New Year Social with a wonderful
       spread provided by those present.

       Gill’s Raffle proved very popular and raised over £100, and four
       representatives from Swanage Disabled Club were thrilled to
       receive our cheque for £1000.

       (This has been the ‘cap’ on our donation each year to our chosen
       charity for several years now and maybe it’s time to review that?)

       Our chosen Charity for 2024 is BESOM in PURBECK and our first
       Fund Raising event towards this is a BEETLE & BINGO Evening
       on Saturday 2  March from 6 pm. This is always a lot of fun and
       requires no skill, but a lot of luck!
       Fun for all the family so do bring them along! Tickets £6,
       youngsters free.

       Whatever event we organise will never suit everybody in our
       fellowship, but do come and support our efforts and help keep our
       family buzzing with love and laughter – you can always hide in the
       kitchen!                                                              The ‘Fun’ Raisers

       From Sienna

       Q: Why aren’t koalas considered bears?
       A: Because they don’t have the right koalifications!

                                 Copy Date
                         for  APRIL Newsletter is
                            15th MARCH

               for publication on the last

                     Sunday of the month

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