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No Bin, Planet Win!

       “Use your loaf - save dough!”
             was our mantra for a recent foodie
            workshop held at Wareham United
                     Reformed Church.

       All sorts of bread from the local Sainsbury’s
       and Coop, otherwise destined for landfill,
       was saved by Wareham Community Fridge
       and chosen by Felicity for greater things – a
       star-bakery role in our workshop!

       Funded by money donated by the Coop
       Community Fund to Sustainable Wareham,
       the pilot event had two aims: to turn a
       “waste” ingredient often found in our
       Community Fridge into simple but yummy
       meals and to have fun with friends!

       Using her considerable experience from
       managing the Community Cafe, Felicity
       soon got our 11 participants working!
       Bloomers were buttered and generously
       daubed with marmalade, baguettes soaked
       into Pappa al Pomodoro soup, walnut cobs
       melded into dried fruit and orange juice for
       cake, giant garlic cloves smashed to
       pulp .........!

       Everyone joined in as much as they wanted
       and as the aromas mixed and people
       chatted, tummies started to rumble!

       Two hours later, we all sat down to sample
       our efforts – Spanish soup to start, followed
       by a savoury bread and butter pudding plus
       garlic bread, then orange and cranberry gin
       bread and butter    pudding and a slice of
       well-spiced bread pud to finish!!

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