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In spirit with the aims of the event, there was absolutely no waste
       with all the dishes going home either in our tums or in containers

       for later!!

       A big “shout out” to everyone who supported or donated items
       including the Community Fridge, Bare Necessities, the Jam Lady,
       East Creech Farm, plus Sustainable Wareham and the United
       Reformed Church.

       Feedback was very positive and we thought we might  repeat the
       event   quarterly using produce from seasonal gluts! So do keep a
       look out for the next No Bin, Planet Win event, perhaps
       showcasing tomatoes, courgettes, apples or squash.... you never
       know, we might even go bananas!
                      Karen Naylor, Sustainable Wareham
                        & Felicity Roberts, Wareham URC

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