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District Governor’s Profile


              District Governor 2021 - 2022
          Born on October  31, 1962, Rtn. Rajasekhar   Srinivasan
          is a Mechanical Engineer from the prestigious PSG
          College of  Technology, Coimbatore, from where
          he graduated with distinction in 1984. He is a
          Licensed Electrical Consultant, and runs a family
          business, Tandem Enterprises, which is concerned
          with testing, servicing and maintenance of Power
          Transformers and High Voltage Switchgear.
          Rtn. Rajasekhar joined Rotary as a member of the
          Rotary Club of Coimbatore Midtown in 2001 and
          has ever since continued to occupy key positions
          in Rotary, at both Club and District levels. He was
          the Secretary of this very prestigious Club during
          2004- 2005 and served as President during 2009-
          2010. During his tenure as President, he was
          recognized as the Outstanding President   of  the
          District and the Club was adjudged the Best Club
          for International Service and also the outstanding
          Club award for balanced activity.
          At the District level Rtn.Rajasekhar was the District
          Secretary  during 2005-2006, the Secretary    of
          PETS/SETS 2007, and the Secretary for the District
          Assembly, Vision in 2008. He was Governor’s
          Group    Representative  (GGR)   in   2010-2011,
          Assistant Governor in 2013-14 and District Director   Friendship Exchange Team, and visited the USA (Rl
          for  Coimbatore region in 2014-15. He has also        Dist 5340) and the UK (Rl Dist 1200) and regularly
          served as the Chairman for the Assistant Governor’s   host Rotarians visiting from those Districts.
          Training Seminar  in 2015, the Rotary  Sports Meet
          2015, for   the Regional Grants Management            Rtn. Rajasekhar  is also very   active in other
          Seminar  2016, the District  Level Pulse Polio Meet   Professional and Social Organizations. He is an
          (2018) and as GSR in forming the Rotary  Club of      Executive Committee member       of  Tamil Nadu
          Coimbatore City  in 2015. In December   2018 he       Electrical Contractors Association, a member of the
          was the unanimous choice of     the Nomination        CODISSIA, RAAC, Rotary Care for Life Society, and
          Committee to be the District  Governor  of  Rl Dist   the Electrical Engineers Welfare Association.
          3201 for the year 2021 - 22.                          Rtn. Rajasekhar  is an Active Free Mason and a
                                                                golfer. He is a trekking enthusiast and his hobbies
          Rtn. Rajasekhar and his wife Shanthi who is a Past
          President of the Inner Wheel Club of Coimbatore       are reading and browsing the internet.
          are third level Major  Donors and Benefactors to      Rtn. Rajasekhar and Ann Shanthi are blessed with
          the Rotary  Foundation. They   have contributed       two sons, R. Dinesh Damodaran, and R. Arun
          USD 96,000 so far   and continue to add to this       Srinivasan who are both married and working in
          every year. They have been members of the Rotary      Canada.

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