Page 19 - Rotary 3201_PETS_manual_2021
P. 19

District Governor’s Message


         Dear Change Maker Presidents & Secretaries,               Rtn. Rajasekhar Srinivasan
                                                                         District Governor 2021 - 2022
         Warm Rotary Greetings !

         The past  year  has been one of  great  uncertainty   exhaustive guide to meticulously  plan your  year
         and rapid change due to the ongoing pandemic.         as President or Secretary of your respective clubs.
         It has been very heartening that in spite of these    Your  duties and responsibilities as well as the
         great challenges, people in general and Rotarians     Rotary International Priorities and District Priorities
         in particular have adapted to the new normal with     have been clearly outlined.
         innovative and often revolutionary ideas.             Friends let  us together  transform our  Society,
         We look forward to the next Rotary year with much     transform our  Clubs, transform our  services and
         optimism and enthusiasm to continue our Service       transform lives – others and our own.
         to Humanity.                                          Let  us “Serve to Change Lives”  in  “Our  Lovely
         The District Priorities for our year together will be   Planet”.
         “Our Lovely Planet”.                                  Wishing you an Enjoyable and Fruitful Year     of
         You are encouraged to do Service Projects             Rotary Service !
         relating to “Earth, Water  & People”, which are       Sincerely,
         the three facets of  “Our  Lovely  Planet”,  so that
         we can together  make meaningful and impactful        Rtn. Rajasekhar Srinivasan
         contributions to benefit our society.  Let us dream   District Governor – 2021-22
         big and plan well so that the dreams are realised.
                                                               RI District 3201
         At  the same time we also need to align our
         projects and goals in line with the vision of  our
         Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta who
         wants us to   “Serve to Change Lives”.   He says
         “Service is the rent  we pay  for  our  time on earth
         and we will expand Rotary    service as we grow
         more and do more.” He also lays special emphasis
         on empowering girls, so young women can have
         improved livelihood opportunities.
         This Training Manual prepared by    a team lead
         by the District Trainer PDG Rtn. Pathy and District
         General Secretary    Rtn. Murugan will be an

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