Page 16 - Rotary 3201_PETS_manual_2021
P. 16
Rtn. Jose Chacko
Rtn. Jose Chacko
District Governor 2020 - 2021
Dear Rotary Leaders,
Greetings to all of you.
Let me congratulate you on your position as Club gone into the making of this manual. I am sure that
Leader for the Rotary Year 2021-22. You have been this manual will help you a lot in your journey as
specially chosen considering your contribution to Club Leader.
the Rotary in the past years.
Lets us work as one team and lets us “Be The
In the next Rotary year, you have a very important Plus“ in all our actions.
role to play as Club Leader. Your primary role as
Club Leaders to help the Rotary Clubs to become Rtn. Jose Chacko M
more effective by assisting District Governor, District Governor 2020-21.
Rtn. S. Rajasekhar. R I District 3201.
Rotary International President Shekar Mehta
has announced the Rl theme for 2021-22 “Serve
to Change Lives”. Let me exhort you to utilize
every opportunity to serve the community, to
connect with more people and to strengthen our
Our District Trainer PDG AV Pathy are working
hard to make the learning events a meaningful one.
My best wishes to DGE Rtn Rajasekhar Srinivasan
for a very successful Rotary year. Lot of effort has
14 Rotary District 3201 - Presidents & Secretaries Manual 2021