Page 17 - Rotary 3201_PETS_manual_2021
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PDG Rtn. Dr. Pathy A.V
PDG Rtn. Dr. Pathy A.V
District Trainer
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Greetings !
Congratulations for choosing to lead your club presented to you - Our Lovely Planet I am sure
as president and secretary. The best experience you will rejoice doing every bit of it so will your
one can have in the journey of Rotary is being the members .
president of the Rotary Club. Your passion can be
I congratulate the makers of this manual who
translated into club goals and can be achieved
have put together the thoughts of the District
within a short time of less than a year. And to top it
Governor and District Trainer .
all the members are willing to sail with you for any
useful endeavour. I am sure it’s going to be well Best wishes to each and every one of you as you
worth it . assume office .
As you plunge into your roles you may have Warm Rotary Regards
a lot of doubts and loose ends. That’s when the Rtn. PDG A V. Pathy
pets manual comes handy to give you the right District Trainer 2021-22
Our District Governor Rtn Raj and I have
crafted a program close to our heart and has been
Rotary District 3201 - Presidents & Secretaries Manual 2021 15