Page 57 - 2022-Spring Summer Magazine_FINAL Single_Neat
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As the night naturally grew darker however, the bright
synthetic lights and ever-present smoke of the amphitheater
stage drew the crowd in like moths. Back and forth ran the
stagehands, adjusting, tuning, and positioning instruments
just so. Draped above the stage, mimicking the iconic font of
the world-famous band to which they owe their inspiration,
was the ERASMITH banner—marking the presence of South
Florida’s own nationally-acclaimed Aerosmith tribute band.
The initial buzz among the 150+ attendees slowly built to a
fever pitch—how much more smoke could be blown? How
many more ‘80s hits would play over the loudspeakers before
the live renditions began?
A beat past 7:30, the lights went dark. The bar, three-deep
only seconds before, was abandoned. The moon was a sliver
of silver; the night air clear and crisp. The stars were above
and behind the stage. Then, with a rip of several chords—and
led by fellow Club Braman member Connie McGinnis—
ERASMITH dove headfirst into a heroic 90-minute setlist.
The band played to the crowd, who enthusiastically obliged,
signing along to an entire catalog of hits spanning the ‘70s,
‘80s, and ‘90s.
Club Braman has always worked to foster a family-friendly
atmosphere, and on this night, young, old, and young at heart
gathered to revel in the universal language of music. For Club
Braman members of any age, the party never stops.
To attend a future Club Braman Rocks
Performance, go to and
select upcoming events. 57