Page 18 - BiTS_02_FEBRUARY_2025
P. 18

and fill them out. I want to be kind of an ambassador for the blues. Not just the blues
    harmonica, but blues music in general. I think, often in the industry, people kind of

    see the blues as being like a dirty word, you know.

    Time and time again, over the years, people have told me, oh, stay away from blues.
    Don't make it too bluesy. Don't put the word blues in the title because it's not

    commercial. And you know, when I was younger, I used to kind of take some of that
    advice on board, but I've realised that whenever I play straight blues, stuff starts to
    happen for me more, you know. It's like people seem to like it when I just play

    straight blues. And it's what I enjoy playing the most. So, yeah, I just want to kind
    of go for it with the blues thing.

    BiTS:  There’s a story that Buddy Guy tells about a woman meeting him in the street

    and saying to him that blues is sad music, how can you do it all the time? And he
    invited her to his concert and afterwards said to her, do you think that was sad? And
    she said no, it certainly wasn't.

    WW:  [Chuckles] Yeah, right. I mean, it's everything, really. It's kind of every human
    emotion all rolled into one. So I think it's always going to be relevant. People are
    always going to relate to it because it's just a reflection of the human condition.

    BiTS:  Absolutely right. You said earlier on that you wanted to be an ambassador
    for the blues, and I'm delighted with that because you clearly are an enthusiast well
    worth pursuing because it's undoubtedly something that suits you very well to be

    an ambassador for the blues.

    WW:  Well, thank you. Yeah.

    BiTS:  Will, I won't take any more of your time. Thank you very much indeed for

    talking to me. I do hope the album is a huge success. I'm pretty sure it will be. It's
    getting good press already, and I for one, have not heard a note of it [laughs].

    WW:  [Laughs] Well, yeah, you can find the two first singles on YouTube and Spotify

    and all that if you want to check them out.

    BiTS:  I'll do that. Thanks very much again.

    WW:  Thanks a lot, Ian. I appreciate it.

    BiTS:  Cheers bye.

    WW:  Thanks a lot. Bye.
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